Concurrent Notifications
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Some RPG games like Destiny, for example, show what loot was added to your inventory once you've picked up some items using notifications. The concurrent notifications are built to do the very same thing easily.
Here is an example of 4 concurrent notifications with a duration timeline:
To achieve that, you'll need to check IsConcurrent in the class defaults of your notification user widget (this setting can also be overridden on spawn).
Add the notification as we did here: Show Notification
Then, by binding to the OnNotificationAdded
event, check that the added widget is indeed concurrent, and add the returned UMG to a list, vertical stack, or other panel of your liking.
There's also OnNotificationRemoved
event delegate you can bind to.
When you add a concurrent notification it will not be shown right away like the regular notifications, because those user widgets are supposed to be added to some list.